
Music Composer


Rebecca and I had an amazing time on our trip to Portugal with our close friends. It was wonderful to see all of our family on mainland Portugal and Madeira Island again…. it had been too long! Wish we could have spent more time at Faja dos Padres, it always feels like our paradisiacal home

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film composer

Featured again by Acustica Audio

Mark Hamrock Music was, once again, featured by Italian software company Acustica Audio. The ad states “Excerpt from the animated short film with music composed by Mark Hamrock Music. Gold, Pink, Ivory, and Cobalt flavors were used. Featured in the Hollywood ShortFest, Newport Beach Film Festival, and Snob Film Festival. 1st place Winner Gnomon School

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advertising music

PulmonX Ad

Finished production on PulmonX’s Randy Ayers patient story. PulmonX is a global leader in treatment for lung disease. With their breakthrough of the Zephyr Valve, PulmonX was looking to expand their brand awareness through video and update their digital content.

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Film Composer

Hanging out with Tony Levin

It was amazing to hang out with the legendary Tony Levin (bassist for Peter Gabriel, Paul Simon, King Crimson, to name a few). Stickmen (Tony, Pat Mastelotto, and Markus Reuter) put on an intense show at the Baked Potato last night. In fact, it was such a good show, I’ll be seeing them again this

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